Tmu Missouri Cna Registry (2025)

1. MO TMU: Welcome

  • Search Missouri Registry · Test Date Calendar · Read FAQ · Terms

  • Search the public registry of active Instructors and Clinical Supervisors

2. TMU Profiles | CNA, CMT and Insulin Registry | Health & Senior Services

  • Set up a profile in TMU. If you need assistance, call our office at 573-526-5686. Search the New Missouri Registry Missouri Nurse Aide ...

  • Welcome to the DHSS CNA Registry web site.

3. Public Search | MO TMU

4. CNA Status | CNA, CMT and Insulin Registry | Health & Senior Services

  • Active CNA Status means that the CNA has met all the requirements for training and testing in Federal regulation 483.152 and State regulation 19 CSR 30-84.010.

  • Welcome to the DHSS CNA Registry web site.

5. Missouri Nurse Aide - D&S - Headmaster

6. [PDF] How to Access Your Nurse Aide Certificate through TMU

  • Once you are Logged into your TMU© account, there is a Print Certificate link next to your active certification see below: If you have any questions, ...

7. [PDF] Missouri Nurse Aide Candidate Handbook - Amazon S3

  • listing on the Missouri Nurse Aide Registry (MOCNAR) at Any personal information entered into TMU© will only be used to determine ...

8. Certification Forms & Instructions - Missouri Assisted Living Association

  • You must check if a student is previously Level 1 Medication Aide or Insulin certified by checking the online registry at If you ...

  • Level One Medication Aide & Insulin Administration Certification Fees Certificate MALA Member Rates Non-Member Rates   Certificate Level One Medication Aide (L1MA) $20 L1MA certificate & laminated wallet card $30 L1MA certificate & laminated wallet card   MALA Member Rates Insulin Administration (IA) $10 IA certificate and laminated wallet card $20 IA certificate and laminated […]

Certification Forms & Instructions - Missouri Assisted Living Association

9. Certification Forms | MLNHA

  • Certification Forms: Duplicate Certification Form, Instructor Certification Form, Criminal Record Background Form, L1MA Final Class Roster, L1MA Exam & Score ...

  • Duplicate Certification Form Instructor Certification Form Criminal Record Background Form L1MA Final Class Roster L1MA Exam & Score Sheet L1MA Certification Paperwork L1MA Test Request L1MA Student Certification Checklist L1MA DMH/DHSS Transfer Form L1MA Biannual Update Form L1MA Biannual Update Checklist CMT Student Checklist CMT Final Class Roster Appendix Forms/Online Insulin Certification form Insulin Final

10. CNA Reciprocity and Certification Requirements by State - Vivian Health

  • 17 jun 2024 · Thus, the only way to get on the state's registry is to apply for a job at a nursing facility and have it submit your name once it verifies your ...

  • CNA reciprocity lets certified nurse assistants work across state lines. Learn the requirements for CNA licensure by exam or endorsement in each state here.

CNA Reciprocity and Certification Requirements by State - Vivian Health
Tmu Missouri Cna Registry (2025)


What is the passing score for the CNA exam in Missouri? ›

In Missouri, the Nurse Aide Training and Competency Evaluation can be taken at one of these certifying agencies. Test Content: There are usually between 60 and 100 questions on a test and 90 minutes to two hours given to complete them. An average of 75% is expected for passing.

What is the average pay for a CNA in Missouri? ›

Cna Salary in Missouri
Annual SalaryHourly Wage
Top Earners$52,059$25
75th Percentile$44,100$21
25th Percentile$31,900$15

How long does it take to get a CNA license in Missouri? ›

Each program must include a total number of 175 training hours, including 75 classroom hours and 100 hands-on training hours at a nursing facility. The majority of these programs can be found at local community colleges, trade schools, or even the American Red Cross.

How do I challenge the CNA test in Missouri? ›

Submitting a CNA Challenge Request
  1. Written Request that states you would like to Challenge the CNA exam.
  2. Include in your request an explanation of how you qualify to challenge the exam.
  3. Clear Copy of Individual's Social Security Card.
  4. Valid email address.
  5. Current mailing address.
  6. Daytime telephone number.

What happens if you fail the CNA exam? ›

As stated above, you are given three attempts to do so. If, after three attempts, you are unable to pass one or both portions of the exam, you will be required to repeat your training. What this means is that you will need to re-enroll in an approved CNA program.

What is on the final exam for CNA? ›

Subjects that will be included in the test are: CNA Roles, Observation, Reporting and Abbreviations, Safety and Managing Behavior, Emergencies, Personal Care Skills, Infection Control and Blood Borne Pathogens, Caring for All Ages, Common Physical and Emotional Problems, Care of the Dying Person at the End of Life and ...

Where is the highest paid CNA? ›

Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) earn an average annual salary of $32,570, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). With an average annual salary of $43,080, Alaska tops the list of the highest-paying states for CNAs, followed by New York at $42,040 and California at $41,170.

What is the most paid CNA? ›

High Paying CNA Jobs
  • Nursing Unit Clerk. ...
  • Nursing Attendant. ...
  • Geriatric Nursing Assistant. ...
  • Nursing Technician. ...
  • Nursing Assistant. Salary range: $31,500-$41,500 per year. ...
  • STNA. Salary range: $30,000-$40,000 per year. ...
  • Cna Pct. Salary range: $33,500-$40,000 per year. ...
  • Nursing Secretary. Salary range: $34,500-$36,000 per year.

How much does it cost to get a CNA license in Missouri? ›

The cost of CNA training programs in Missouri can vary from school to school and ranges from about $500 to $2,000. For example, St. Charles Community College charges $375 for classroom instruction and $310 for the clinical internship.

Can you be a CNA with a felony in Missouri? ›

Employable shall mean that the individual is not listed on the department's Employee Disqualification List (EDL) and has not been convicted or entered a plea of guilty to a misdemeanor or felony charge which includes any suspended imposition of sentence, any suspended execution of sentence or any period of probation or ...

What's the fastest you can become a CNA? ›

It depends on the education provider and state requirements, but students can complete the minimum 50 hours of classroom-based training in as little as 5-6 weeks. You must also complete supervised clinical training, which covers a minimum of 100 additional hours.

Can a 17 year old be a CNA in Missouri? ›

Answer: To take a CNA Program you must be 18 years of age unless you are taking the course through a High School Vo-Tech Program. Individuals wanting to enroll in a CNA class cannot be listed on the state Employee Disqualification List (EDL).

How to answer interview questions for CNA? ›

Sample Answer: I'm passionate about providing compassionate care to patients. As a CNA, I'll be able to use my skills to directly help patients with their daily needs. This role aligns with my interests and values. What Relevant Skills or Experience Do You Have for This Role?

How much do CNAs make in Missouri? ›

Hospital Cna Salary in Missouri
Annual SalaryHourly Wage
Top Earners$60,032$29
75th Percentile$51,100$25
25th Percentile$38,500$19

Is the CNA exam common sense? ›

There is very little "nursing" type questions on it. It's mostly common sense.

How is the CNA skills test graded? ›

The knowledge examination must typically be passed with an 80% or higher grade; this is true for American Red Cross examinations as well as the NNAAP. However, some states require only 70 or 75%. The skills test is sometimes graded by a percent but is often graded using a pass/fail system.

How much does it cost to take the CNA test in Missouri? ›

Exam DescriptionPrice
Exam Description Knowledge Test or RetakePrice $30
Exam Description Oral Knowledge Test or RetakePrice $40
Exam Description Skill Test or RetakePrice $95

What score do you need to pass CNA exam Wisconsin? ›

To pass the Wisconsin Certified Nurse Aide Exam, you need a score of 71% or higher on the Knowledge Test. For the Skills Demonstration Test, you must correctly perform all key steps and at least 80% of the non-key steps on each task assigned to pass.


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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.