The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)

COHDOMISIUMS.OWM YOURjSOUTH EAST1S0UTK 4400 SOUTH BAT SAN FERNANDO VALLET SAN FERNANDO VALLET CWNtCC-OPAPTS. 42S0 Condominiums Townhouse 4291 EQUITY SPECIALTY PLAN PRESENTS CONDOMINIUM CORNER Wet Bars Fireplaces Carpets Drapes AirCond. Pool Sauna JaCUTTl Built-in Patios Rec Room Full Security Many Extras All Adult Buildlnas 1 Bedroom 2 Bedroom! 1 Bedroom Den 2 Bedroom Den IN FOX HILLS The Los Cerros 641-7231 The Kentwood 641-5966 The Cambridge 641-7941 The Grande 641-9673 The Green Valley 645-6626 IN ENCIN0 Shelbourne Towers 344-7123 NORTH HOLLYWOOD The Versailles 980-8931 PASADENA The Arlington Green 799-1166 All Offices Models Open 10-7 Dallv VILLA CANON The Best Condominium IN BEVERLY HILLS 1 conv. den, 1 Vi ba. FROM $49,500 434 S.

Canon Dr. OPEN DAILY NOON TO DARK 556-0202 PRICES SHERMAN OAKS CONDO. HOMES 1 Den. uen, Bains, frnlr. PoolSauna.

Rec. Air Open 1-5 14141 Dickens 784-5452 From $29,950 wlo-lo Down Pmt. PAL-MAR REALTY LIVE ON THE BEACH Own oceanfront property Full recreational facilities. BEST 1 BD. CONDO FROM $28,250 to $48,000 QUEEN'S VIEW 1140 E.

Ocean Bl. Long Beach (213) 436-7271 BRENTWOOD ARBORS Brand new. in the Heart of Brentwood. Exec. 1 br townhse.

lofts, 1 1 br. ft den, 2 br. From $11,950 to $51,500 11645 MONTANA AVE. Furn. model open 12 noon to 8 p.m.

785 So. Orange "asa. Lux. hranrt-nw condors, priva cy. 2 sty.

2 2 ba. Llv. rm. Frplc Din. rm.

All latest mod. conven. Elmer Bame 351-9587; $76,000 to $82,900 Wm. Wilson Co. 793-8111, 681-6961 ONLY 1 LEFT Reduced from $22,700 to $21,000.

All luxury features located in Beautiful Sherman Oaks. l32'i Dickens or 981-2692 Miss Christy! Own Your Own Apt. 4293 BR. Own vour Own. ell elec.

ins. AC, balconies, nr. t-ranxim-Bronson shopg. Immed. Poss.

$18,500 Jean Gordon, Realtors HO.5-2155 PASA. 1st fir. 2 den. 110. $69,500.

curtis to. 449-5030 Co-op Apartments 4295 'sTfta "LRG" "SGll.10510 Wllshire RED CARPb Kb A LI IN WILSHIRE TERRACE Lovely br. Prestige oiag. i HOUSES FOR SALE City Central (North 4300 SECLUDED Trees, la. lot.

Wood pa nel. 3 br. $16,900. Own. Z23-8345 ev.

Echo Park 4325 FIXER 4 J. den, 2 bas. $24400. Blk. to sunsetAlvarado, own.

666-294 Mt. Washington 4327 MINI HOUSE Maxi Lot. $12,500. idea uen. own.

cry. 1st Agt. 254-7211 WOODSY Redwd. tnwhse. 1 2 ba.

Brk. pat. 2 lots. $19,500. Bkr.

254-7211 PRIV. Mtn. cabin t. Pool. Bit-ins, vu, 2 Lots.

$27,950. Agt. 221-4171 DIAMOND Head 4 Pi w-w fpic Agt. 256-3145 El Sereno 4335 IMMAf Charm. 2 bdr.

$20,500. By owner. 474-103 Eagle Rock 434T TWO ON 1 ACRE Tucked awav beside Historic Eagle Rock with fabulous views. Both units witn 2 1 oa. une wnn nuge nv rm.

Great seclusion arivacv. $79,500 JOHN CARR 681-7447 2 2 den, AC, 3 decks, tncd. per 2 car elec. garage, view hillside, C8.D, furn. $37,500.

Owner 254-4198 ev. ORIENTAL 2nd 2 bdrm. gst home, 2 bdrms conv. den. 339,370.

Aot. 254-7191 10 yr. Cust. bit. Best vu.

4 Rm. bach, nao. 119 na. 34- 1 v. rm.

1 aecKS 19" windows. $45,500. Apt. 257-7555 BY View Home, prl- vacy unlimited. $28,500.

258-4423 CITY-EAST ft SO. 4350 South Gate 4373 INCOME PROPERTY IN SOUTH GATE! Uttrtt Ic a ntr neurit, njitntaH home with a separate bache lor "nit in rear. All this for onr J31.M0. All terms. Call Walker I Lee Real Estate, 7682 Edlnser Huntington Beach, 714142-4455.

Open 7 days :30 to 8:30. ASSUMEnoanTT br, dbl. oar, Gl pmts $153 mo $21,500 Agt TO.1-9226 I Torrance 4502 MARBLE Estates area. 3 3 family rm. Every extra possible.

Must see. Bkr. BY OWNER. 4 3 1J sc. trees, patio, dbl.

ear. seo. nuly painted. Prlnc. only.

375-3077 Harbor City 45C6 GREEN Meadows. 2 storv. IVi vrs, new. fam. Ig.

yard, many exrras. uwner, 32ft-Bi55 Manhattan Beach 4513 HUGE OC. VU HOME INC. J- BLKS. BCH.

den. rump. rm. all xfras. 1 unit.

$97,500: RIDDLE ROSS FR.9-84931 Hermosa Beach 4515 SEA BREEZE Rustic beach DUPLEX. Choice loc $45,000. 10 down. LA CASA REALTORS 372-8458 WALK to bch. 2 bd.

home immac cond. Patio, nice dbi. oar. A buy. $32,500.

O'Hern, Rltr. 545-4511 BEACH castle rental 1 blk. from surf. $79,900. Rltr.

36-881; 3V-24UI Palos Verdes Estates 4519 OWNER tran. 3 2 den wfplc, atrium enrrv a. aaraen. 3.uuu. Ring Spring 373-0326 Lot of alass.

3 2 folc. Private patio huge yard. $108,500. Ring Spring 178-9494 "Ring" SPRING REALTY SPANISH 3 3 din. tarn, prearmaxing sun, IIIm VIEWS.

Just $103,000. Harrinqton Rlty. FR. 5-0567 OWNER trans. 4 family dining circular orive, irecs, brk.

$54,500, FR.7-6858 BEAUTIFUL 2BR den guest house, 2 P.v. stone patios, iots ot trees. $62,900 Bkr. 378-6205 nwMFS iiutvlna. Park like vard, baths, den, tamiiy pining entry hall, brk.

$59,500 FR.8-9245 LUNADA BAY. 4 2 family powder tormai pining rm. $85,500. Lawson Realty. 377-6838 SPANISH splendor on over Vi acre, Mjtnn tirent vu oen wet bar.

Lucas Rlty. FRJM218 uifwi Secluded area. A bdr. 4 ba. fnm.

rm. formal am. Truchln Rlty. 300 Teion FR.8-1245 spar. 5 tv riln'a.

rumpus rm, wwet bar. Lrg. lot, view BARNETT 16 Plaza FR.B-8311 uai MONTF 3 3 ba. $79,500. Rancno veroes Kiry.

4i-4 3600 SQ. FT. 6 4 ba. fam rm. par, view cur.

J-imi Palos Verdes Peninsula 4521 FANTASTIC VIEW! BY OWNER 4 2'i Ba. Xtras. See to appreciate. On quiet cul-de-sac wpoolsize back vard. $75,500 377-8817 NEW listing.

3 2 ba. Fam. 10. lot. super ciean.

nurry at oniv FOR SALE BY OWNER! 5 Bdr. 3'i ba. Family Rm. i-ormai nine, rrpic. 2900 sq.

ft. Fenced. Landscaped. On, hilltop. $78,500.

541-1783 UNOBSTRUCTED 180 View. Newly decorated 4 nu mien. enclosed Lanal. Prof. Lardsc'd.

$6400. Ring Sprping Rlty. 377-9555 BRAND NEW. 3 2 ba. Form, D.R..

Dbi. tic. Fam. rm. $69,500..

Ring Spring 325-7770 3 Rn fam. inu IVi ba. Fantastic vu from rim lot. A gooa one Bowker Rlty. 831-2322 378-1274 COASTLINE to Catallna viewl 5BR .1 Dm.

wu ram. rooms, sumtteck. $66,900 Bkr. 547-08141 NEW 4 exciting floor plans. 4 views, rrom Leases from $625.

Bkr. 377-55731 BPEN SAT.SUN. 4 3 ba. city lite view, culet. Ideal loc.

sacrifice. $79,750. Call Owner. 530-2652 MAGNIFICENT 6BR den. Din.

Rm. WPar, pool, ocean- vewl Bkr. 3-8M rNEW" CjSTOM HOMES. Select vour style. Model open nouses, waucer ASSOC.

Rlfv. 377-9577 OWNER30 vr. Soan. home wfantas tic vu. In Miraleste, 2 pr.

uprary, 2500 AC, $89,500. 832-5771 LEASE-OPTIONS $45,000 to $100,000 3, 4 and 5 BEDRUUM MUffltJ. UCO. Metzoer Realtor. FR.7-6828 OWNFP leavlno area, eharmlna bdrm.

home in Miraleste area, jaroe vard. brk. $65,000. 832-6483, TOWNHOUSE condominiums wclup- house i rec. facilities, wwmo.

Kulow Rlty. 377-6751 378-2255 4500 Sq. ft. rustle style ranch. Upper Pnrfuouese Bend.

5 Fool, si ly, 500. Wright RltV. 377-1524 LOT on Paseo Del Mar, One of a kind w151' frntg. Unobstructable ocean est. vu.

$65M. Bkr. 41-Z42i DRAMATIC contemn. 3 2Vi fam iv rm. I formal In no rm.

501. Smith Realty. FR.5-2594 OWNER anxious. 4 family ri nina paneiea aen, ew. Brk.

$59,500. FR.7-7867 "WARM side" 3 2 ba. gated area, pool Ig. yard. Harbor City vu.

Rolling Hills Realty 831-0658 2 STY. Soanlsh 2100 sf. Miraleste, Tile roof. Bkr. $31-0222377-0306 4 2 fam.

horse lot. $68,250. Dunckei Rlty. j-iii Rolling Hills 4523 ROLLING HILLS-LUSH-PLUSH 3 Bd. den, flowers fruit trees.

nmthina soeclal onlv $139,000 M. BELL ASSOC. 377-9900 180 DEG. panorama Catallna cltv ohts. 4 acre hilltop rancn, S2io, 000.

Provlnceal Rlty. 377-6725, ELEGANT 4 3 fam. horse lot. $79,800. Las Lomars Rlty.

377-7874; VIEW Lot. 5 Br 3 Ba. Study, fam. din. rm.

Stables. vrs. new. By owner. $148,000 firm.

377-5165 5 8. DEN. LGE. FAM. BEHIND toAlfcS, VU.

BKr. I2VJUU OJJ-WO CITY WEST 4550 Wilshire West 4554 PROBATE SALE 257 S. Larchmont, 2 story. bed rooms, 2 bath, frolc. $45,000 cash; met) financing avail, court approval, 213774-5300 Mr.

Odaka NEW Windsor Square. Vine covered; English Tnhousa, 3 fam. den, olavroom. Choice, location. Dippel Realty HO.5-2186 INCOME 8.

OIL RIGHTS 552,500 Beaut. 2 dbl. wFP, DR. Ige kits. CASTAGNA REALTY 278-5030 NEED guest house? This top cond.

3 bd 2 ba. nome on Citrus has one. Aot. k. wens y35-3sn VAN NESS AVE.

St. Brendan's Parish 4 two-stv. Dutch co on a A'k $45,000. Cooper Co. DU.3-3737 181 S.

Fuller. Corner Center Hall. 3 a im. uarw aen. Xtra rm.

office. Frledland 937-4444 UPDATED WINDSOR SO. MANSION 3 sty. lo. rms.

Beaut, lot. $125,000 Tracy Beaumont Rltr 462-6831 Immac. 3 St Oen, V.i Ba. U-heaf Ardmore nr. 1st.

Lo down $34 500. CONN REALTY CO. 383-6553 3 3 baths, Nu blt-ln kit. Koom tor pool un so. Lucerne, Move-in cond.

Bkr. 878-0585 HANCOCK Pk. Sacr. 4 gst. hse.

Pool. Selma Sax. WE.8-1386 it 3 BR 2 BA move In condTW, La Clenega Selma Sax WE.8-1386 I 44G2j PROBATE JUST RELEASED 2 br. stuc, $19,500. Bkr.

724-5600 Whittier 4406 Beautiful 5 Bedroom, l5i bath air-conditioned home. View San Gabriel Valley from the large living room urfiirh hat white brick F.P. Enter tain on large patio with flagstone, firerlng gas Q. adiacent to huge heated filtered pool. Koom lor boat or trailer.

$44,250 PRESTIGE PROPERTIES 694-1089 943-0117! FREE PHOTO BROCHURE Homes in wnmier, La naora, miraoa. Hacienda Heights. Brea, FullettonJ Don Boherts. Realtor. 213691-3217.

16209 E. Whittier Whittier 90503 SHARP 2 bdrm clean oood cots. Near Whiflier Bl. Xlnt. modern 2 bdrm wfrplc bit-Ins nr.

Beverly. $25,500. Century 21 692-0344 SECLUDED 2 BD. COTTAGE! car garage, WW, dros. Free furniture! 54 dn.

$19,950 Bkr. 944-9931 or 692-8707 LARGE 4 3 ba. custom home. uuhirr nr -t- 3 lois. 1u.uuu.

uwner i OCATFD No. of Blvd. 3 bdrm, lam. dros. 1 frolcs.

RED CARPET. Realtors 943-67831 unMF hv Owner, i br. den. New roof paint. Clean.

$22,500. Near 605 Pomona fwvs. 699-4728 Friendlv Hills Custom Ranch See Sunday ad. Owner. 213693-6167 OPEN HOUSE 6227 Rockne Sat.

8. Sun. 2 pieniy caoineis, ige. 101, tile ba. bee to appreciate.

2 CUSTOM'homes pool 13 ac 7 loan poss. trycr Ceate hrt ha. lot. $39,500. LOIS DOISOn OTOWII BROCHURE Whittier Brokers, Inci 14430 wniTlier wnmier PLUSHY Near AC 2 frplc.

entry nun our, oyb-oujj La Habra Heights 4408 ELEGANT home--Captivating view. Th immaru are 3uu so. n. air-con ditioned 5 bedroom 3 bath home. Located on a hilltop acre superbly landscaped and maintained overlook ing Orange County ana goir course.

Formal dining room and patio Ideal for entertaining. Large master bedroom has sliding doors opening to private patio with hot therapy pool. I irn. femilw rnnrfl with wet bar. fireplace, adiacent to dreamy kitchen.

Beautiful pool located entayer terrace. Koom tor norses. PRESTIGE PROPERTIES 694-1089 714993-7000 943-0117 TRIANGLE ACRE-close -in loc. with Interior coastal views. HART, INC.

Realtor. 213691-0626 LARGE 16 bdrm. Vi den, 113; acre. Dan Emde. $51,500.

698-0525 5 WOODED ac w2 bd. home 8. gst. hse. Avoc.

8 on inc. enr. eyn-rui La Mirada 4417 BR. 6y "Owner. Lge! living rm.

dinkg rm. Lots of hardwood kitchen cabinets. Oversized 2-car gar. laundry utll. V2 ba.

Covered pa-tl. fenced vd. $29,950. 921-3621 i onn ii.mi Up nrk 8. xmi scnoois.

uwner. Downey 4419 ST0NEW0DD T0WNH0MES 10104 Garfield Ave. 861-4519 Lynwood 4421 $287500 Beau. 3 Fern. 2 Ba.

$1300 Dn. must sen. vac. nopn 282-2802 WANT to sell vour home? Ca WALKER LEE (714) MZ-443J. Paramount 4425 "OPEN Hse.

by own. Must sell 3 br. den, pool. 7152 Century. 630-4386 Long Beach 4435 TOP VALUE, 4 BDRMS Look what $31,500 will buy 4 2 baths, fireplace, formal dining room, oisnwasner, ww.

iaiici9, covered patio, plus many other nice features, nurry ana won. A. I CajiI PfttAtn. 7 Wll Edlnoer Huntington Beach 714842-4455, open eves till 1:30, Sat uroav ang junoay i SHARP 2 Bdrm. sewing room to- Ull 1 1 1 1 1 icy 2135986657 or 714826-0450 Naples-Belmont Shore 4445 Beach Homes jn- come.

century 41, munit kiiv. 2163. 5536 E. 2nd Long Beach. (MARINA Pac.i Naples.

2-br loft elec. rjeu. r-w. water. $16000.

Lane, Bkr. GE.9-3488 CITY SOUTHWEST 4450 Leimert-Crenshaw 4454 "iajc ed? 'Call Brkr. for showing. 293-1289 View Pk-Windsor Hills 4456 JAPANESE MODERN I AL tana on pest view sue. fam maids rm.

WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO. 477515 Ladera Pk. 4461 by owner 3 br, 2V4 lrg. tam.

trpic. wyiet immar ucm76. 5199 Shenandoah i rrm 40, QA07 gin, Ingiewood 4463 ASSUME VA LOAN. Must sell. 31 bdrm, large tamiiy room, witn Carpetdrapes.

$31,900. By owner abpoint. only. 213756-99091 $500 DN. Anyone can buy! 3 stl.

shower, z-car gar. bkt. 675-1134 un nnwM 1 5 bath, db gar. pmns. larpeis, arapes, renteu patio.

Bkr. 675-11341 3 BDR. 2 bath frolc. FA heat ni or rMA. vacant.

Bkr. oa-jri $1000 dn. 2 sharp stucco hses. on 1 lot. won last long, pur, bj-uj IMMAC.

3 i den, IVi sew rm. N.w. loc. Lo own. Q-QU24 Westchester A Vlo.

4465 2 FAMILY ROOM Corner lot, lust right for adding on. ww rarnet. draoes. DW. Landscaped, walled.

Walk to schools, shops bus. Rltr. 776-14151 Hawthorne 4473 5nfsOwners Studio wfplc, l-i oa. rented. iiam ann.

inc. uwner, 675-5048 aft. 6 p.m. SOUTH BAY 4500 Torrance 4502 PALO DEL AMO WOODS Luxury 4 bd. Ultra mod.

kit. 3 car oar. $46, 900. M. Bell 377-9900 OWNFR.

lo. 1 cor. 500otr. ZU345 Maaison. 042-2143 hOMES.

low down. Gardena. Tor. ranee, Hawtnorne. bkr.

UA.r-ivnai Montebello L.3.Cimcs Wednesday Morning, June 6, 1973 69-4411, Times Mirror Square, L.A. S3 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY OYER 50,000 SQ. FT. Sale, Rent or Lease 4131 Manufacturing Facility 76M SQ. FT.

PRIME EL SEGUNDO INDUSTRIAL PARK AREA Close to fwv. Low tax rate Sprln-klered good power hi cube Xlnt. condition outstanding- Exec Suite al ortices. FOR SUBLEASE, AN XLNT VALUE PRINCIPALS ONLY CALL MR. CORNFELO 772-6275 COMMERCE New 21' clearance bldg.

on spur. Nr Atlantic ft Telegraph. For Ise. or sell with terms. Bkr.

749-2421 PRIME M-1 cor. Whittier Ik Pa- ramt. 3V4 ac wSSW bldg. For quick sale at tax cash value 714459-1323 CLAREMONT 20 acres Poss. adl.

20 acres, nr. San Bern. Fwv. Build to suit, bod paimer, Bkr. Z5-5M1 103M s.f.

5 vr. mfo. can dbie. 10 ac site. Hvv.

pwr. wtr. 52" sewer. P. SternD.

Rlggins, Bkr. 420-9440 50,000 so. ft. M-2. Sale R.

A. Rowan Rltrs. 6274)131 FOR tease. New 50,000 la. ft.

R. A. ROwan Rltrs. 627-0131 SVjc gross 300,000 LBLA Harbor ASH WILL-BURKE 264-77101 6-A, M-2 For Sale R. A.

Rowan Rltrs. 627-0131 Industrial Lots Acreage 4138 ANAHEIM M-1 SITES 22 acres, near freeways. 10 down. 3153 8 acres, near freeways 5 acres, near freeways. 1.67 acre, corner, near freeways, ft.

195 127' 146 corner, near freeways. $16,000 down. Mr. Denver COLWELL PROPERTIES, INC. 714639-1501 213629-1668 5.87 ac.

Pomona C4 Ml SEC Holt Union, nr. 4fwy. Interchg. Own. finance.

W. Payne, Bkr. 620-9440 APPROX. 80,000 sq. ft.

M2 El Monte Temple City area. Si sq. ft. Bkr. 287-8333 or 283-4664 4 AC.

cor. M-2 San Dlmas Cany. Laveme. S25M ac. Apt.

213422-8426 4Vs ac. M-2 level. Fenced. Near El Monte. $25,000 ac.

Bkr. 448-3737 SIM I Val. Choice Ivl. M-2 on Easy St. 247x328.

S57M. Owner. 886-8349 PRIME CM cor. 75x190 adi. Pasadena.

Bkr. frwv. in. 796-0146 ACREAGE RESIDENTIAL LOTS 4150 ALTAOENA Hills. 7 bldg.

sites abutting 10 Ac. of unimproved land all for $50,000. Write or call Bill Hassley, 793-8111, 681-6961. William Wilson Co. 918 E.

Green, Pas adena. TWFNTV Ac. rjarcels Dawson Can von, near corona, Eismore. siooi ac. Hosg Co.

Realtors 213923-6542 SPECIALIZING IN commercial lots, AnrjersonHerkowtrz. Rkr. 839-2518 Thousand Oaks 1000 Oaks C-l. Moorpark Rd. 100x265.

$52,000. Realtor 889-08041 60 AC. Ventura Xounty. $7000 ac. Don suae, Reaiter 889-0622; Acreage 4169 STATE LAND AUCTION The State of California, Division of Highways will hold a sealed bid salej to sell five parcels of land.

The bids will be opened at 3:00 P.M., Tuesday, June 19, 1973. Item 13.605 acre unimproved par- eel located on the north side of Interstate 15, 17 miles west of Baker in San Bernardino County. Minimum Bid of $100.00. Item 223.121 acre unimproved oar- eel located on the south side of Interstate 15, 17 miles west of Baker in San Bernardino County. Mintnum Bid Of $500.00.

Item 3 .135 acre parcel of land to-1 cated on the southeast corner ef Bush and Streets, In Zoning is M-1. Minimum Bid of $500.00., Item 43,351 square foot parcel of land located on the west side of Front Street, north of Street, in Needles. Zoning is M-1. Minimum Bid of $10.00. Item 5 18.435 souare foot parcel of land located on the west side of Front Street, north of street, In Needles.

Zoning is M-1. Minimum bid of $300.00. For sales brochure and terms, write State Division of Highways, 247 3rd Street, Ssn Bernardino, Ca 92401iorcall (714)3B3-4i81 80 ACRES LANCASTER it 90th East nr. new airport. This should be a strategic corner.

Ow ners must sell. Good terms. Red Carpet Realty. 5320 WI'sWBI. FONTANA, nr.

Kaiser Steel. 5 Ac. gd. paved street, nr. treeway.

loneo mfg. $15,000, lo dn pymt. Wm. K. Kopp, 16304 Foothill, Fontana.

Closed Sundays. 714823-1335 ATTENTION BUILDERS 10.5 acres zoned R-3 1500 N. Pomona, less than 65c so. ft. Owner anx ious.

Geo. Robins, bkr. i46-52iy 50 AC. N.Cal. 1000's of trees.

tish, nunt. sen or iraae. mis sner-; inoton PI.V310. Newoort Bch. 92660.

Owner. 7)4548-01401 INVESTORS! 240 ac Yucalpa, near new dam project rec park, sac $1000 per ac. Terms. Lang, Rltr. Box 286, Palm springs 714325-9606 MALIBU HILLS 127 acres, ocean vu.

Bankruptcy sale. casn. l-ar peiow assessea vaiue. bkt. ATTENTION INVESTORS 40 AC.

oceanview. Del Mar area. path nf nrooress. SIU.MXI AC. uul -1 VA Really 714755-9336 NORTH OF MALIBU COLONY 291 Ac wcharscter potential for RPD recreation.

Offer WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO. 477-2515 HINKLEY Cat. 26 ac. on Hwy.

Water rites. $800 ac uwl suomir. bkt. lifc.4-4U', ovr-v4 Parcels. 29 Palms, 2': A.

Ap ple 10 A. nr. Riverside. Lo dn. All or part own; 7)4871-84841 DEVELOPMENT LAND NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY John A.

Stelger, Rltr. 714722-1171 SEE thisl Ordered sold! 40 acres tnino. per acre, terms, Agent, iui 2B-s5 BEVERLY Glen area. 11.13 acres aenerous terms, release clase. 555, 600 full price.

Bkr. 272-34561 42 Ac. 1900 frultbear'g. trees. Cat- tisntrout ponos.

I 'it nrs. to l.a. i. Eagle, Bkr. 620-9440 SACRIFICE 2'7a Ac.

by Owner In An ie aam vauev near Airrjorr. att. 221-6837 4, S99 PFR AC. ACRES EASY TMS. 6 213473-4070 10 LEVECaeres.

$250 acre. Priced to wll. Xlnt. terms. 714544-4487 18 ACRESCamarlllo.

See acfSun. 6- 3. Don Rude Realtor bowot iAC. Palmdale, may be entrr. to Alrpt.

330 on 70 St. (213)641-9306 4.100 AC. Ventura County. See Ad. Sun.

6-3. BrownRealtors 889-0804 C4 MUST SELi-l AC. Cnhmitl CaroeBkr. 275-4384 lAIC uana Mugiiun. r-f.

Highinna. r. sareisKy ijiij-4iu AC. Hlway 86 frontage, heart of Sallon City. Own.

272-3711 N. of AdelantO 40 ac $525 PA 5 ac S30 rA. vwner iuM-ow ir 4- Grw. area. Riverside Frnts.Maln St.

Utll.Own. 714689-4348 oa in Sari Marcos. $95,000" century zi k.c, ii Acreage for Subdivision 4175 PALM SPRINGS uir.MWAY 111 GATEWAY Onlv area approved tor low cost badly needed housing. $3500 acrt, RED CARPET REALTORS 5320 Wilshire Bl. 931-1422 13 ACRES Prime area.

Arllnoton, Riverside, adiacent to new aot. development 8 rondos. per acre, van Mr, Sebdstlan258. 1 COLWELL PROPERTIES, INC. FHA Apt, map ready To" record on first 60 units, 150 total.

Lena engineering $1650 per unit. Aril, coun try club. 714685-4161 20,300 level land zoned R-4 O.K 1 to build to 16 units. $30,000 Ronson Rlty. It invest.

8.89 Acros Cor. lrvlnel Culver, Or. anoe CO. Comm'l. potential, Owner cooperative, Agt.

805772-2727 iVi ACRES, v(H, corner. mnlorl streets, manv posslbllllie. North S.F. Valley, Bkr. 213360 2161 HEMETToo ac.

can be rezoned 3. S.G. Scott. Bkr. 664-56'i8l 16 a 2 I 1 iWE 21 4111 ACRE ON BEACH, R-l.

$60M. 429 Paseo de la Piaya. HOLLYWOOD RIVIERA, Redondo at 425. See PEGGY DOLL. 213FR.I-6925 PALOS Verdes; Vi acre, underground utilities, nuwe cmi (antnin, uwncr, xuy-ujjq PRI.

Country Club, San Diego Court-; try Estates, 122-xOT. utilities, 400 owner 714748-5417 R-S lot 60x164 421 Loma, L.A. 000. M. Breese Wallace Moir R.E.

Co. 273-7300 at PACIFIC PALISADES. Level. Best area, wide troniage Florence Simpson, Rltr. 454-5531 SHERMAN Oaks Longridge Estates Prime 1 13 AC Real sacrifice oniyi $27,500.

Bkr. 783-4681, 872-0955. LOTS Glendora, 10,000 ft. ea. sjsuu ea.

umisk, kiiy. 4o-b TWO 52x115 R-l lots $4,000 each. NorwalK 583-3151 LAKE GREGORY, VU mountain top. lot, lo down, own. 3ys-izy, 34-7922 10 lots R-l Pacoima level.

4 blks. to school, owner. VM.ysu z4-uixi TROUSDALE LOT Owner must sell. 1955 Loma Vista Beverly Hills. Call 877-1880! GOOD buy, must sell.

Laurel Canvon lot. Prl. owner. 213469-3473! MALIBU 30 above beach 14 acre Plans inci. $76,500 own 451-041 R-4.

59x151' zoned 22 U. 201 N. Ave. 55, Hign. Pk.

$15,500. VIEW LOT HOLLYWOOD HILLS $1500 or otter, owner B4o-4va VU. prime 13 Ac. Rl. Tooanga.

Will divide ac. parcels 455-1115 BEAUT, view lots So. of Bl. Sher. Oaks $14,500 Ca.

Bkr. 783-3513 Lots ft Acreage Wanted 4199 R-3 LOT WANTED, W.L.A. Prefer corner, will oav cash Please call Mr. Leon 474-55271 R.E. MISCELLANEOUS 4200 R.E.

Auctions 4235 COURT order sale at public auctiAn1 2UJ3 W. 4Tn Kl L.A. VUIA2 t-ranK LorenzT, Auct. 205 S. Broadway, Suite I7 LA 628-43B4 R.E.

Wanted 4249 WANTED URGENTLYI Three bedroom with study, maid's room, den ft pool. Uo to $120,000. Sherman Oaks to Encirio White Oak. Also, need similar home but with complete guest house. Call Otto.

Day Ream 986-29001 LAWYER needs Income property up to in good s.f. vaney location. Has 140.000 for downnvmt. Call nris. Day Realty 986-2900; WANT shopping centers, hotels, camping parks.

Geo. carfus, 249 Amber Ct Upland 91786 714985-1121 ORIENTAL Broker has cash buvers. 5AITO REALTY 731-2121 LA's Largest, oldest Oriental realtor neeos your listing, nasnu J4-I iw GOOD Buvers Walling. FUJI Jane nese Bkr. 3400 w.

Olympic 737-237Z CASH FAST, SURE for anv R.E ANYWHERE. GUAR. SALE. 990-2570 R.E. EXCHANGES ft GENERAL 4250 -BEVERLY HILLS- 3 STORES FREE ft CLEAR $75,000 will add to $100,000.

Trade for income producing proper ty -a. Jr Shop Center, apt. etc. Must Pe in prime west L.A., Beverly Hills or Brentwood areas. Please call MR.

WEXLER 788-6620 OR 872-0368 BALBOA ISLAND DUPLEX. Top cond. $96,000 or trade ssi equity tor apts. HAL PINCH IN, Rltr. 714675-4392 HAVE 1V4 Acres R3-1000 nr.

Pomo na i-rwy. wanr small comm i. or Res. Income. Will add cash.

7I4W4-2734I WILL exchange FC No. Calif, prog eny ips tor inc homes, other depreciable assets. PrincipalsBrokers 822-2511 Newer Units N.H. Equity 30 for sman vauev nse. 345-3633 FOREST E.

OLSON, Inc. Realtors 23 ac. Rosemead Pico Trd. dwn. Sublt.

to $65M 1st T.D. Own. 222-6538 BEAUT. 62x165 R-3 lot. wtrade for power cruiser, mobile home, submit.

nave siy.sw. tquiry owner. 345-2708 HAVE $60,000 eouliv In W.L.A. 20U greater so. eav 776-8530 Hettig Co.

772-0337 HAVE .97 acres FftC In Hemet nr. Lake. Want income property In L.A. or Orange Co. 714642-1257 12500 deluxe office 4- 9-000 rW nome apove.

pava park'g. Lot si7e 110x268' for? OwnBkr. 321-9165 Can Exchange your hard-to-sell 4rop. anywhere. Etlin Rlty.

451-8484 Ac, R-l (66 lots) ready, $110,000. Clear.want Inc. Pr.pty. 805925-7119 $240M eqty. 54U.

S. Monica for 3-5ac. uw zone, urange uv. TRADES Have many act 788-58781 llsttnos saw bLMinuLbK 771-2884 TRADE C-2 lot for boat, Tw. Dsl.

Sf. box I-2VI, limes, 8 U. Hwd. Inc. $15,180 Eq.

$60M. sen or tro. up. Heiierman 828-5555 R.E. Gen'l Residential 4289 LENDER'S REP0S Lender Agent liquidating "acquired" properties at REDUCED PRICES LOW CASH INVESTMENT Seller wfinance.

Brokers protected Call, write for property brochure OWNERAGENT (213) 388-9508 CONDOMINIUMS YOUR OWN CO-OP APTS. 4290 Condominiums Townhouses 4291 THE WESTWOODIAN PRESTIGE Westwood location Full Security. 2, 2 ba. Spae. suites penthouses.

Open dally 12-6, $56,500 to $67,300 1509 Greenfield at Ohio 477-00171 BEVERLY Glen Bl. Century Citv. Brand New Preview Showing! bLbIM LAA From $19,950 to $49,950 2160 S. Beverly Glen Bl. COME to sales office inside the gates ot eriarwooo.

Loveiv townnouse 3 $33,500 Exceptional view. 2 42,000. 3500 W. MAN- Lnca i ck, ingiewood. 678-9900.

SOMMERSET HOUSE Westwood. New br. 354,500 up. immediate uccupancy. uniy iu aown.

1710 Malcolm, 474-2897 LUXURY LUXURY 3 Ige. mstr. suite, sell $36, 000. lease $350 a month. 872-3535 M.

Stephens Co. 788-5800 NORTH Whittier Town house, 15 mln. to l.a. ce oecoraisa tn cen tral air. $27,900.

w6 assumable loan, owner. 968-3929 $22,2001 NEW 3 2 Ba. Town- houses, Only 5 dn. Central AC, Drapes, cots DW included, panora ma CltY. 14501 Tupper.


of Ventura New lux.unlts 2 Br.Den.AC, wet bars. Pri. patios. 2000'. at Greenleaf.

Open 1-5. 879-9722 WESTWOOD New Kelton Arms Lux. Sndprf. Full security. $39,500 up.

10966 Rochester 478-7029 Park Towers', open 10-6 1 2 br. $14,450 un. Full ernrltv 545 Chestnut, Long Beach 432-1415 GLEN Towers. The Westslde's 1333 So. Beverly Glen Bl.

Harlelgh Sandler Co. CR. 3-3113 REDONDO Bch. 1-2-3 Bd.l-2-3 Ba. From $2,095 down $20,950 F.P.

477-8449 379-7741 ARMAGA SPRINGS CONDOS. from $27,500. 1 bdr. 1 ba; 2 2 3 3 ba. P.V.P.

377-3830 NU lux. split level 3 Vh Ba. AC. attach. 2-car So.

Pas. 8 ml. Dntn. $49,500. Pr.

pty. 255-7668 2 3 Bdrms. Start at $37,800 2723 so. bentiev in westwood Models open Bkr. 478-9871 WEST L.A.

CONDOSTFAMILY Starting at $36,90011 INVESTMENT TRENDS, 478-9871 CI French Townhse. Prtx 4 4'j ea. Din. rm. L.T D.

Core, Realtors 449-8vi RANCHO LENCREST Condominiums trom $59,900, 2324 So. Beverly Glen WeStL.Au553-W6or475-8871 BH 435 N. Palm Dr. 1 8, 2 bd. condominium.

Apt. 201 302. Open today. Bnrboe Burrow, Rltr. 273-6622 51 -I rk i.

i rwnu remnouse. oa. Privacy. In Hollywood. $49,750.

Mrs. Wlsten. Castaona 466-6311 DOHENY Plaza-Lux. 2 9 Bn view, terrace. Full serv Ice 74 hrs.

Own. H. Leigh, Apt. 705. 273-8300 WESTWD.

12 lux. coiy 2 2 ba. onis. immea.occuo. I4ZI INI! 477-3454986-5910 FROM ONLY 18410 Cantara, Reseda 886-4343 nrTDel Amc anoo io.

i 34 ba. 1st nr. Mint condition. Fran R.E. 328-6103 TOLUCA Continental Townhomes From $26,600 213) 980-5700; 10801 BIIX N.

HnllvwooH ITtbNG beTSCh c6'NbarNEw3 or. hu.tju, tun security, paiconies. 203 Savona Walk, Naples 439-1097 TOWNHSES. Condo 8, den or 3 8, den. 14332 Dickens, S.O.

788-1289 LOVELY 1 BD. Condo. aT Mammoth mt. lifts. Gd.

rentals. Owner 986-2451 fli S. OrapgeGrove, Pasnrlcna. Lux ury condos from M0.500 Bkr.795-3236 PENTHOUSE lux 2 bod, 2 bath A'C pat. ocefln, ml vu.

$35,000 213 '437-0726 LOS FELIZ I pr-2 br, $22,500 un. Cent air. Latow Rlty Atf-1158 2 Sherman Oaks. $35,500 uo. 4637 wilshire 784-9025 Pl.USH cots dros.

rlen twnh N. Holly. Only $22,950 Bkr. 786-5780 MARINA rl Rey Ingiewood 4 Ve nice, S25.5UU. UP.

Aflt. 821-8811 Residential Lots 1 4SC3 Beverlywood 4533 BEV. Dr.Pico, Span. 3Den $54 500. WGst.

Hse. ($115) Bkr. 474-4501 2828 Castle Heights Big' 3 den. 2 Ba. Move in now.

Baum 879-4444 NR. Doheny Pico. 3 bd. Updated Great tor Children. Bkr.

25-4384 Cheviot Hills 4611 $59,500 Cozy 2 bd. Cge. nisi.) den. pa. woo.

kitcn. Beaut, grounds. $69,750 Vacant 2 Md's, den, a1 ba. MEIGS RLTY. 839-2333 OWNR.

eleg. 2 story home, 3 3 pa. see sun eiu ao. ibb-oss FORRESTER Drive. 5 DenPool 1st Showing.

Dynamic! Bkr. 277-1414: RanchoPark 4612 CHEVIOT HILLS Colonial 2 sty. 3 maids 3 ba. center nan. Reduced $74,500.

Heyler'Bkr. 839-2261 DESPERATE MUST MOVE IN 30 DAYS Westwood East of UCLA 3 Bdrms, maids, den. Bonus rm, 3 Ba powder rm, Blt-ln kit, swimming pool $107,000 Owner 475-1131 PRICE SLASHED Custom 3 bedroom hilltop home. Massive stone fireplace. Citv liohts.

Formal dining den opens to se cluded pool. $87,000 Eve Vallario, Bkr. 451-5471 BRENTWOOD FLATS! 2 Spacious each wbath pwdr. rm. Liv.

rm. Den each wfrpl. Near schools $64,500 GR.2-1271 NORTON Rlty. BR.2-2896 DECOR. Dream! No upkeep! Huge rooms, msrer suites, mas.

qtrs. Lge. end. patio. VIEW.

Open 2-4 Wed. Thurs. 2001 STRADELLA. Bkr. 472-2438 BY OWNER $84,500 Bel-Air, 3 br.3 ba.denfam.

din. Xintppen Sun. 10-5 p.m. 476-1019 RIVIERA 2 sty. French 3 sep.

formal nv. rm. 45 pool Ige. pool hse. Lge.

lot. $218,000. Florence Simpson, Rltr. 454-5531 CASIANO ESTATES $189,500 Fabulous) apptpx. 4209' of luxury.

Call for details Then see today! WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO. 477-2515 FABULOUS FAMILY HOME. Old Spanish type. 5 br.5 ba.

Rumpus, den, study. So. of Wilshire nr. Century City. $92,500.

Appt. Own. 277-7073 Spacious Secluded! 4 ft fam. Ti sep, din. View 500 (303B) Haddad Rlty.

820-2594 BEL AIR ESTATE-VU. 4 bds. mas. 5 oa. cnaut.

rm. ft pa. 14' ceil. liv. rm.

den. nartv rm. POOL, Lge. lot. EL AIR Itv.

478-0025 BEL AIR luxury 4 br. Quiet street. Attiuent tamiiy living. Luxurious oe-cor. $80s.

Fred Sands Rlty. 476-6464; SPAC. 3 huge playrm. wwet par ft trpi. rnv.

ottice. $89,500 KREMITH Rltrs. 451-8511 BEST BUYI 2 U4 family room, dining room, fireplace. $58,500 PIERSON Rlty. 826-4571 BRENTWOOD CLOSE in Cul-de-sac.

Four bdrms. den studv. Rlt-lns Submit offer-Elkln5Brukman 846-4521 ANN S0MMER Homes with charm. Bkr. 476-4646 BEST BUY IN RRFHTWOfm 3 1 ac.

All big area tor pooi. owner 46-669 $85,000: LARGE 4 hrt tturlv. mnri seo. din. patio, garden, ht pool.

Owner. 475-1932 RIVIERA DEN. To woo 8, win sharp eyed demand-Ino buver SAI.KA Realty 826-5677 PSSST! 1 ba. office FP-beams. Elklns eper 826-4521 BEL AIR lstv.

contemporary Bd. Mds. 4 Bas. POOL. On golf course.

$269,500. Bkr. 472-0994 2 STY. So. 3 2 pan Den.

Pool Gst.Poolhse. Forma! gardens. $249,500. Bkr. CR.5-5541 1 Sty.

Hac. In Old Bel Air. 44-den 2 Fam. Rm Pool. Gates jant.

Bkr. CR.5-5541 S. BRISTOL huae rise. 3 8, mds! Brntwd. golf.

$89M. Bkr. GR.3-0964i OLD BEL-AIR. acres wlnnn nrlv ar. ucean -r- city view.

Bkr. 271-8101 4 8, Den, Bel Air. World Vu $105M RbP CARPET REALTORS 820-1583 $89,500. Wstwd. La.

3 3 den lanai, ownr. 42-I8B5B9-3663! EXQUISITE Homes Trv ll BRENTWOOD REALTY 826-4515 POOL mod. Hl-beamed celi'nas -J .3 ba. Lanai $62M. Bkr.

473-9846 BRENTWOOD Glen 2 story Spanish By owner, pr.ptv. 476-3484 4 BDR. Contemporary No. of Sunsot smith wJustice.

826-55171 TENNIS Lovers. 3 hdr. maid's. Loioniai in Brentwa. Bkr.

826-4685 Pacific Palisades 4615 NEW LISTING! 3 fam. rm. 1 34 pa. conv. location $61,500 3 1 34 ba.

Corner home sep. din. rm. big kitchen $52,500 RED CARPET REALTORS 454-5567 CUST. Bit.

Contemn. Soac. 2 2 ige. nv. ft n'g.

rm. ocean vu $62,500 Florence Simpson, Rltr. 454-5531 OWNER 3 fam. 2 ba v.ovra. ig.

yra. Koom tor pool. immac. nu. dec.

Marauez Knolls, blks. elem. schl. $75,900. 454-4490 Flow for Entertaining! 3 2 patio view 5000 (67B) Haddad Rlty.

454-0333 CONDOMINIUM 2 2 ba electric mtcnen. ocean view! in $40's. TOWNSEND-SIMPSON Rlty. 454-1375 MILE HI IN THE SKY! 3 bd. 4- den family rm $130,000 UAVIfc5 bAL C5TATE 454-6581 GREAT family home! Four mdsi ram.

pen, move-in cond. Riviera. $225,000. BaerElkins 826-4521 POOL 5 3V2 den, din- inn, tamiiy, game much more! $225,000 PIERSON Rlty. 454-5541 HUNTINGTON ESTATE w4 hr Pool, gst.

nse. Bkr. 454-0633 Malibu Bpach Vic. 4618 YVV4AAAAAArtAfVVMaiMvMAA(VAAjAA LEASE ON THE BEACH $3251 br. 2276 Hun, $375-large 20620 P.C.

Hwy. Or available for summer Corrodi Corrodi 456-6688 INSIDE Colony Gates, own your own tennis court ana adiolnlng 2 bdrm house, all for onlv PJf YARPENTIER R.E. 456-3344 SPLIT level contemo. SW.OOO Level Vi ac. White wator un 1 ur new.

4 fam. toft stud. Perfct for family. Prltchett R.F. GL.

7-2562 BY OWNER $130,000 Beach House. 2 1 ba. Wide lot, 2 patios. Xlnt. cond.

476-10191 MALIBU Colony Beach Home 6 br. oa. Agent. 456 3373 BLDRS. 1.14 Ac.

Malibu R-3 w4 oen a mas. ft sep. gst. $280,000. Florence Simpson Rltr.

454-5531 CHARMING secluded home on great aanuy oeacn. 4 pa. 2 10,000 340-0502 ECKS 457-2020 STARS home decorator furnished on tne sana. recxv ceaar linen niuy. $95,000.

SPRING RLTY. 820-146A BUILD now 610 Arm nn Rucrh nr $26,500. BuSCh. 457-7070: 4M-6J77 MALIBU Road Beach hse. $129,500.

CORRODI 456am AC. Ocean vu, oaved road tin jiuv, jjjuu an. Agr. 456-2063 bach. apt.

Furn; $90,500. General 456-2078 OCEAN VU HOME 23 AeTTtearTot innniiuuii.MW. UfcNtfcN 456-6401 OCEAN VIEWvi TPF! I evet RAGSOAI.F REALTY 4-4'x DIFFERENT 3 3 ba. contemn jjmni icvai. coomis kitv.

West Los Ancreies 4620 LARGE drapes, great Micnen waisposai unit in rear. A real Money Maker $53,950 v-UKLiib, Realtor 478-1273 Palms 4622 SPACIOUS 2 brVfilSh" Irblc' kv- P'3'' lMr qjB'Whi eve, Culver Citv 4624 "RAlNTPPC.rt'll uco ri'TM Bv r. Townhouse Swhoat innoei ii. rrot. aec.

onen st Sun. 12-6 P.m. till sold. $55,250. SOU rnurt, Ownr.

817-7'ot 2JON LO-TpROVINCIAL 2 br. and ai-n -r oinpr or. siu.uuo. Bargain. 8.19-2254 STAPLES RLTR.

391-7168 ACROSS fm. Culver 2 Bdr. 8, uen. uavanaugn. B3-1A1 Mar Vista 462T JR.

Estate paint. $69,500. Bkr. 478-1233 Playa del Rev 4630 4 BtilbVi euit.bii: "snlif eve I. $65,500.

Owner. MARINA VUuu 1 Brtr An ICanjidd $69,955. McTove.821-3469 4 3 Ba7, Fbens. OceanCltv vu. uwn.

SAN FERNANPO VALLEY 4650 LIVE a work In S.F. Vallev: For BROCHURE on homes and a career GPiniu.vnM nvi Bcai mat 4IM9 Van Nuvs Sherman Oaks V.A. REPOSSES5IONS. Lo dn. to loan.

2-3-4-ft 5 Br's. $18,750 up. Non flltrrlmlnatlAM A a Rraltor, S.F, Valley (213) 788-7900! Fnr ml V.IUu rail f111 caia SEE Owner. NoTrd InYer- ucvuntr magniticentiv anpomt-ed home. ci 4au BANK 8, gov't repos.

2, 3, 4 bdr. PnA AUI HA VA, riAl 4T DenrPooTTllXsisorfa. Hvir1xvin sci.jt. 13ac. Bkr.

781-48l0i not. 4 8, pool, frplc, nu paint In out. CJS 894-8191 4SS0 EnclnoiTarzana. Reseda 4660 -k MUST SELLt VACANT DIVORCE Tampa estate w3 spacious form. aunnv kitchen wloe.

eat ing area, dishwasner, 2 ba cent. air, boat trailer access Walk to schools ii shopping. Will consider leaseoption. $31,950. EHRLICH REALTORS 884-1240 ROYAL OAKS.

6 guest stu dy, den, form, dine ft pooi, parklike vd. Imoossible to describe. $184,900. FANTASTIC view. Dramatic 3 den (V form.

din. Lg. rms. Great for entertaining. ExeC.

981-5020 RURAL ESTATE $44,750 Huge 3 den pool circl. drive on beautiful tree I nea auiet street. BKR. HORIZON 881-5400 .1 ACRE ESTATE So. of Blvd.

3 den fam. rml 2 b9.p nrd pool, corrals, staDies, sectu- C7i oca view mr7M 1 i CJS REALTORS 24 nrs 348-8680 STILL LOOKING? STOP) So. of Blvd! Model home condition! 4 3 Ba. big tam. rm! Cent.

AIR! 3 hole putting green! $76,900 788-9770! rUKcai e. ULaun. inc. Keairors FAMILY separated. Man of house transferred out of town wants family th him.

4 i pool. Bit In fam. dbl. garage. Asking $69,950.

788-9111. STEKPA 72-3381 3 den, 2 Encino. Air. Huge r- -r 1 Ddiia wddw. rciiund.

1 1 CO HldveU, Rkr. SPECTACULAR 4 br. den, 3 2 trpics. yi AC 60. ot Ventura.

$77,950. Bkr. 872-0700, 981-6100 TARI. Beau. 4310.

fam. rm. Air, pool. 5. ot-Bl.

prt.furn. $85,000 Own. 881-1610: PRESTIGIOUS 1 oversized 3 baths. Frmi. nan'ld.

den. (3-31-31 PWC Realtors 345-4300 TENNIS Crf. Lot. 3 Den. Frmi.

Dine. 3 Baths, punt-ins. Encino so. BLVD. VIEW.

64,950. Bkr. 783-1910 ESTATE So. of Vent. Vi Ac.

seel, ranch. 3 2 fenced. $62,500. Bkr. 345-0735 ENCINO 5 Den, 4 baths, Frmi 2 south.

View. Lrg. Lot. $99,500. Bkr.

783-1910 4369 Havvenhurst 3 2 ba. pool. mds. -4- pa. uK wtroic Barbee Burrows Rltr.

273-6622 TARZANA Cust. 3000' 4 Bd. 2'i Ba Family-rm. wbar. Va Ac.

Walk to scnoois. uwner Mj-smt RESEDA SLEEPER! 3 frolc. HW floors. 16x30 pool. Only $29,500.

Condie 795-2190 HACIENDA Estate on secluded shad- ea 'ii ac. soutn. i aen gsr. nse. 8.

pool, $59,950. Bkr. 788-9)01 CUSTOM 3 br. form. dine.

den wwet par. troic. pool a lusn atrium. $129,950. Bkr.

986-4935 ENCINO So. 3 form, dine, grdaf tam. custom pool, retr. a de- corator perfect! Bkr. 986-4935 ENJOY Vi ac.

site. 5 21' den wbar, frmi. htd. pool, $72,950 (3-1 7-3) PWC Realtor; rm, bas, on Vt ac. ref.

AC White House SM.50U 783-7100 3Vj Ac. tree-shaded green haven. 9000 sa. tr. i gst.

nse. rooi. Rolling lawns, $285M. Bkr. 784-9986 Take over hlah Gl loan.

4 2. $250 pavs all. Bkr. 365-0656 so. Blvd.

4 ft, fam. rm. Pool. refr. air, 3 Ba.

$79,950. Bkr. -v 78832 2 AC. tennis crt. Pool, gst.

stalls, corrals, BKr. 343-0142 Woodland Hills, Canoea Park, Hidden Hills ,4814 LOOK ALL BUYERS We work on 1 412comm. NOW LOOK AT THESE VALUES ANYONE CAN TAKE OVER 5 FHA LOAN no Credit loan fees 4 BDRMS. 12x12 DINE RM. 16x18 DEN, 17x23 LANAf 16x36 FENCED POOL? Prestloe area.

so. of Ventura Blvd. on beautiful, secluded Tarzana land scaped corner lot. under giant weeping willow tree. Behind high white dome, sculptured fence, with black-iron grilled gate entrance red brick BBQ, big modern kitchen ft dishwasher weating area.

15x15 patio for sunbathers. Room for pool table in giant lanal 4- Vi manv extras tor oniv jji.viu. NO DOWN TO VETS nikiiwri 4. OOL NO 2ND LOAN NECESSARY YOU CAN'T RENT CHEAPER SENTRY REALTY 348-5555 22702 Ventura Bl. Woodland Hills IN WOODLAND HILLS NEWWAY TO LIVE WITHOUT STRAIM" BY TAKING OVER THIS 514 Gl LOAN; NO CREDIT CHECK or LOAN FEE 4 DEN FAM-DIN." POOL 45' PATIO South of Ventura Serene privacy with deep frontage lined bv a stand of graceful trees.

Space saver Island bit-Ins, stone Inlaid brick patio accented by a terraced pool 4- more. Only At this price vou can afford to do vour own decorating! VIC HARVEY 348-7500 Realtor, 21618 Ventura Bl- W. Hills SACRIFICE BY OWNER Just Bring Your Clothes Noted Interior Designer's MAGNIFICENTLY APPOINTED HOME JUST DECORATED. 6 3 fireplaces, 3V4 bath, 2 storv colonial residence, age years. 4500 ft, of elegant livabllity.

Separate dining breakfast rooms. Brick entry. -30 30 English pub pool table den. Bai-ennv overlooks Vi acre lush land scaping, auto sprinklers, 20 40 heated pool ft fountain. A genuine value at $125,000 or vou can buy completely furnished $190,000 value for a sacrifice price of i4jw.

Rv annt. nnlw tul. A. wknds. 340-2657 SPACIOUS VIEW HOMES, 3 4 br.

br. refr, air, mod. kit. continuous clean no oven, xinr area. Lo dn Fr.

136,950 -O 1 BR. Fam formal dlna. 2V'a ultra carpeting, refr. air, xlnt. area.

2472 sq' of elegance $48,900 GUY OWEN Realtor 347-7113 AWARD ESTATE ONP ATPP PA 5300 Sa. ft. 4 cathedral Ceilings. All electric kitch. Form hand bur-nlshed floors, heated pool, BBQ, sculptured garden patio, orcnara.

Office, rumpus room. more. 950. (801) Day Realty 887-0770 ic SHARP SLEEPER Choice 4 family rm work saving Kitcnen waisnwasner. txcei' lent caroets.

draoes. Cov. patio boattrailer entrance. Sprinklers onlv $33,950 GUY OWEN Realtor' 347-7113 HIDDEN HILLS ACRE HORSE RANCHES 8. TENNIS COURT PROPERTY" BEDROOMS: UP TO $150v Readv-to-build acre Its.

Leases. Brokers HH Rasldents'54. PRATT REALTORS 4- 884-1005 SAVE A BUNDLE 1 1 View 4- 2000 sq. ft. So.

of Blvd. 4 family, den. pool 200 lot. $35,950. VISTA -'348-2300 RFDUCFD tiir' bulclr Sty.

4 Tu, ZBSO air, form, fam. wxza POOI. OEM. $58,500, No Bkrs. uwn.

347-2281 ANXIOUS SELLER i trl-level. 3 den, fml. din- 2 ba So. of bl. no dn.

G.I, $26,750 RED CARPET REALTORS 341-6601 vTlslsnn INI i 'A Ac. 4 din. rm 2 ba. ost. house.

Woorll. Hills. Leas. apt. Sale or trade.

S29.950. Bkr. 140-03 1 3 FACING FORECLOSURETTtuba split level 3 lrg. 15' bdrms. den ft dine.

No dn, Gl, Iw. dn, to Others, $26,950. RED CARPET. REALTORS 884-1101 4 din. htd.

pool. Carrier retrig. air, too area, 2 Blks. to new Sachs. White Oak Realty.

784-6294 Dn. "Frmi. din. t- ns ft hunters den wwef bar. Beaut, yard.

$39,950. Bkr. 340-8810 HACIENDA In Hidden Hills on prominent knoll. Cliff May 1 ft. den, pool, JAC.

Bkr. 788-9101 4- den pool. $33,950. Immed. possession.

Paul Realtors 883-6000 Ac. Horse corral gst. hse. pool. 3 a ba, in prestige Tarzana area.

8.15,950, Bkr. 316 9443 COUNTRY Enpliih Pool homa'on F-ont. party frplc, air. Bar. $29,500.

Lo dn. Aot. 345-0401 HOUSE trCsf. Hs-7 level ra, corrals, barn. $1,600 dn.

Lse. oof. Sale or trade. Bkr. 310 03'1 properly37471.T bfj Call to see Bkr.

$40 5011 xlnt. schls. ft nbrhd. $.19,950. 346-334 4650 S0 TOTAL DOWN TO I LOAN Modern tri-'vtL 4 2.

huoe den. Mstr. suite wnri. bath. Central re- fng.

air, 6 vrs. new. Blt-m kitchen. Super-sharp in ft out. View of ley.

$30,430. Bkr. 997-9944; 873-3336 LIVE work In S.F. Valley: Fori BROCHURE on homes and a career in Real Estate, wnteonone GRIBIN-VON REALTORS 4849 Van Nuys S.O. 213981-7971 North Hollywoodt Studio City, Toluca Lake, Sun Valley 4652 $1000 DOWN 7030 LonsrWoe No.

Hlvwd. This beautiful weeded 75x175 lot Knows what else To be sold AS IS. Appraised value $33,000, full price $29,500. Monthly payment including Tax and Insurance $300. National Mortgage 937-2500 3 DEN' POOL 2 BA WALK TO MAY CO.

CENTER Charming No. Holly'wd. home Z2XI5 aenwet oar wrefrig. Dining area, an pit-in kitchen. Air F.A.

heat, $32,500. Bkr. 788-7272 'til 10, from L.A. 872-0170 A NEW LISTING A REAL BEAUTY country French all mellow wood paneling high beam ceilings new kitchen swimmlna noal 3 bdrms. den best Studio Cltv I 1.

1 TV area sov.suu. fOT-iawt m. TOLUCA Lake, 2-sty. Colonial. 5 ft den.

3 bas. Pool. Call: PO.3-5162 XtmmMty-ShSJSiaxCa, IJlttAM STUDIO Just listed! 3 on loveiy tree-nnea 2 frplc. Ownr. absent! Bkr.

783-7000 TOLUCA Lake 2-stv. picture book colonial in country uuo area or. den $99,500 Bkr 788-9101 DR. Says: "Sell!" No loan charge! 3 BR. or 2den.

Newly decorated, new carpet. $25,950. Bkr. 782-0030 1 $23,500 4 BR'S. Grant, Madison Schools! Needs paint but If a steal.

Realtor (213)980-4440, CHARMING 3 2 bath home; on 18,000 ft. level R3 lot. Must SELL! Make ofr. PK Realty. 476-1643 BACHELOR'S PAD.

View So. of Ven tura, 2 storv. 2 2 Bath. Dra matic! $37,950. Bkr.

766-5257 POOL 5 BEDRMS. DEN Formal etc. $89,500 COLDWELL BANKER ft Co. 788-9101 DR. transf.

Reduced over $10M. 3 or 4 4 oa. Kumous den, pool. Hidden Village. $89,500.

Bkr. 761-5161 STUDIO CITY POOL $32,500 2 BR den reduced to sell. CASTAGNA REALTY 877-3454 BY Owner. den. 2 ba.

Cov. tio. CD. GE ranoe. pert.

cond. $34- V50. 62-163. 5516 Hermitaoe Av. COUNTRY pool.

trpic. air bkr. yuu-jvjo 2 13 Ac. 9500 sa. ft.

pool guest aot. Bkr. na-iwu OWNER. Ranch tvpe. Beaut, vd.

nr.trwys. 765-4056 LAURELWOOD 3 ft den 4- pool. $49, 950. AStealiFpl.Wt bar.Bkr. 769-4444 TOLUCA LAKE Fast Poss.

S55M 3 Den, Garden Rm. 472-2930 3 ft Den, Th ba. Pool. $750 dn. to 1 loan.

$35,250. Bkr. 766-5101 MEDIT. Villa. Reduced $25,000.

4 frmi. den, pool MASTERPIECE Properties 986-4935 CONTEMP. 3, den, dine. King-sirel liv. rm.

POOI. $43,950. Bkr. 763-8281 Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys, Panorama City 4656 SArRIFICF SALE eharmlna 3 BR. family rm.

1 ba. blt-in kitchen breafst area. F.P In 24' L.R. sliding glass doors leading to charming wrought Iron enclosed ft covered patio. Kear ya.

is piock walled fence ft, will accommodate pool play yard. Priced right at 788-9111 STERPA REALTY 872-3381 PRIVATE CANYON ROAD MOUNTAIN LODGE STYLE Buttercup vellow rustic In a beauti ful setting loaded with trees. 3 den, frmi. am. peams, giass views.

Great at $49,950. Bkr. 761-5171 SUPER POOL ESTATE GRANT-MILLIKAN SYLVAN 13 Acre PARK. 3 ft den 4 frmi. dine.

HUGE rumpus rm. 2 tnles. ALL blt-in kitch. 2 Ba. Patio, llninue at $49,500 Bkr.

788-7272 'til 10; from L.A. 872-0170 3 DEN POOL 2 BA, WAI TO MAY CO. CENTER Charming home w22xl5 denwet bar wrefrig. Dining area, all blt-ln kitch. Air, F.A.

ht $32,500 Bkr. 788-7272 til 10, L.A. 872-0170 POOL GST HSE.I PRIME SHER. OAKS 9 rien shake roof beauty has com pleta gst. hse.

in prima loc. A "must see" at BKR. 761-6193 LONGRIDGE Estates. Movie Mogul row, almost an acre ot ground, circular drive. 3 bedrooms ft mds, auarters.

4 baths, format dining 37' den, master suite. Full 3 room guest house wba. Pool w15' pool house. 936-5502 STERPA REALTY 872-0118 4 Pool-Grant Milliken Exotic Mountain Lake Pool wwater fall, family i pas. more.

$44,50010 dn Bkr. 788-7272 'til 10, from L.A. 872-0170 ARANDONED i STORYl View! South! trees! spacious bk s. zo LR. Spiral staircase.

Central air cond. Won't last! $57,500. 788-2550 FOREST E. OLSON, Realtors 2 POOL 22' DEN In Sherm. Oaks, eilt-lns.

IV, Bas, Patio ft. BBQ. $34,950. Call Bkr. 788-7272 'til 10, from L.A.

872-0170 SELLER'S moving reduced thou sands, cui-ae-sac t-am nome, den. center hall plan. Central air, bit-ins, F.A. heat. Fireplace, Ine.

kitchen $37,950 788-9111 STERPA REALTY 872-3381 JESSE JAMES SPECIAL Decorate and save. 2 bedroom, den, 2 baths, master suite. FA heat, Grant, Milliken, walk to shopping and ht. Vacant. $27,500.

986-5502 STERPA REALTY 872-011B SUPERB 3. den. pool. 2 ba. 2 frplc.

gourmet Kltch. covered patio, trop, landscoa. A dream I $43,500. Bkr. 980-9000 GLAMOROUS 3 wet bar In den, form AC, pool, landscpino (8-34-3) KfcAL I UK a 76J-B2BJ 4 Den.

Frmi. Dine. 3 baths, bit ns Ret.air, gkant high PAL-MAR REALTY 783-1910 MAGNIF. i den 5 Ba. Sherm.

uaks. 3 vr. new. bourmer form dine. Top schls.

Bkr. 783-7000 FAB 2. den, 2 ba. estate. S.

of Vent. View, brkfst. bar. air. sun deck area.

$49,950. Bkr. 980-900W GORG. cust. 2, den, 2 pool, air, la.

brkfst. area. Plush ndscong. 5, O. loc.

$40,950. Bkr. 981-6100 ROYAL WOODS Contemo. modern maids, paneled den, dine pool, $74,950 Bkr. 788-9101 CHARMING, rustle 2 air, pool, vara.

Assm. i-ha mz.wu uxr. 980-3936 RUSTIC charming center hall plan Pane ed aen wfrrj c. oulet tree. lined street, $52,000.

Bkr. 980-2400 FAB. 2, den, 2 ba. estate. S.

of Vent. ew. Breakfast oar. air, sun deck area. $49,950.

Bkr. 980-9000 CUSTM. 3 ft fam. Lg. pool wprv.

ft usn res. t- ns. a nr. all! $49,950. Bkr.

788-7775 GORG. Cust. 2, den, 2 pooirAlr. La. orxtst.

area, us inascpg. s.u. loc $40,950. Bkr. 981-6100 BY Owners 1 3 bdr.l'i ba.

Lge. Den. Frolc. nu custom cab nets in kitch en. Immac.

$39,500. 344-7975 MODERN 3 2 brkfst. area, poo wcust. decking ft landscaoino. Rock roof, air.

$29,950. Bkr. 980-90001 374 ACREESTATE 99,500 i r-, nnM a view, nuuc rwu, uoaul CASTAGNA REALTY 980-1801) SHARP 3 den, xtra. Ig. llv.

rm. wstone fro ft nu air. 2000'. $42,000. V.N.

Owner 787-1759 4 view. Rm. for pboff modern w7 nuge tarn, sep. wet par, lounge. S64.MX) Bkr.

VN. 3 4- IVi. htd. pool, deadend si. uwner, b5-v4bb CHARM 324-denwet bardln.air Grant'MIII.

$49,900 Own. 783-58M SCLUDEDS lge. Brs. InDramatlc setting: SoV.VSl). exr.

345-4940 EXQUISITE French Regency. 4 8, aen 4- pool. Bkr. 7B3-6433. SO.

BLVD. 3 ft den, 2Va ba. drenml Kitcn. POOI, S5.950 Bkr. 986.Rmt T.GE.

3 ft denrpool ft Gst. houseTbn vi acre. Bkr. 789-0223 CHARM. 2 ft eoriv.

den, I's on) uen, miouv DKr. BJ-33IJ MODERN 3 br." Fashion" 6. $29,900. 10 dn. Owner.

784-8443 OWNER desperate. 3 4- fam. Pit-ins, pool, now $43,500. 384-0381 Enolno, Tarzana, Rosda. 4660 S.

corner, 3 fam. 2 ir. wi, rriv. owner. 8Bi-3vy ROYAL Oaks 5000 ft.

oTaieoancel Aauit nome. $235,000. Bkr. 783-1940 ACRE estate. Contemo.

6 oas. rriv. Bkr. 477-0166 FABULOUS view custom 4 ft den gourmet kltch soj on nkr. mliuii 2BR d'ne, conv.

den. tienn. exr. 986-9970 MW exciting 4 SenTTar, oonl sizoo lot, $67,500, Rkr. 783-6433 SVent.

newer "ir, an pmns. S65.V50. Bkr. 9B5-1100 WARM 4 fam. rnC pooi, piay va.jiB.suoBkrjjBBm CUST7 4" dn, 4" wGre- cian pool.

BKR, 788-3911 ARTIST Retreatl nl Vml tKtM nricKft lai ooara. Hxr. 769-4M4 BEAUT. 1 AC 3 mds, frmi. dlrv Da'S pool, $134,500.

Bkr. 783-3513 SOT5 f3fia. FSh. T. LtNIUKY 21 BB1-110O I I I 6 IV? i Silver Lake Area 4558 PROBATE SALE Ml? Kenllworth Avenue Three bedroom, 2 story, 1 baths.i fireplace, dining room and breakfast room.

View lot. mvw casn. UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK Tnut Dcot. 600 S. Sprlna St.

Phone: (213) fiQJI V.IIIIIWII, Mi. JWI varado, 4 1431 twing, ii 525,500 Llimon 4 U. 7719 Sunset 12 U. $65,000626 Sil- verlake Dplx. 2 U.

RASCO RLTY. 385-9034 NEGLECTED MANSION, Charming snamth! Reduced tor quick sa e. SHERMAN REALTY 661-1123 3 BD. nr. lake.

New crofs. $27,500. Bkr. 666-8787 or 666-8072 1 HILLSIDE wvu. 2 lVt ba.

Bv ownr. 2259 Silver Ridge Ave. 662-7839 DREAM HOME. Vu. Mod.

PRIVATE 2 2 ba. May Ise. Bkr. 661-1156 RUSTIC cottaoe on R4 lot 50x150 Ige. L.R.

frpl. $17M. Brkr. 664-2143. Los Feliz 4561 CHARMING MED'lf no.

of Los Fe Hz. 5 den, maid's, 32 billiard rm lo. level tot. $75,000. Cash to loan.

Own. 666-0455 SPARKLING Vu N. of blvd. 3 con vert, 2 a-i eona. hlt -lnt.

riiLde-tar. Onlv S60.000. 10 dn. Augustine Co. 665-5727 UFWFB RR 71, RAI Bin Vipw Deck 4- Lo Yard.

Level Entry. NLos Fellz S59.50M HOOVER REALTUK5 eoWI LOS FELIZ prime units, 2-2 1 v- ha's. ea. 7.1 soosa I. u.

Ml. Spain Realtor 664-1925; MONTEREY on 1 ac wtennis erf. ooo i 3 nlavrm. jyv.MH) Jltzpatrlch Realty 660-1833 N. LOS Feliz newer 1 sty.

2 8. den, fam. wet bar, cent, air, make ofr. $76,500. Latow Rlty.

662-1158 N. of Los Fellz, very soac. 4 br. aen, tpic, 4 w.w., iots closets. $65,000.

Bkr. DU. 8-0694 N. OF LOS FELIZ. 4 den.

4 bas. 2 fo n. Kit. -t- seo. airs, vu OWC 1st T.D.

Heritage Bkr. 666-2475 SECL. Vu mstr 2 br, 3 ba. den, llv wfrnc. moo.

Kit. patios. Red Carpet Realtors 665-1229 DUPLEX 3 bd. 2 bd. LGE.

Rooms. Finest area, kashu. oau-vzoo CONTEMP. 3 2 Lge vard, Privacy. Must sell, woiff 665-5896 5537 NflBerendo.

3 BrTl'i Ba" VAC. HA.bW). MCKee 666-5161 DOUd CLASSIC Spanish 2 sty. Wlge rms. 3 PT ZW ba.

LO 5S. Rltr. 463-7121 1 stv. English. 3 2 xlnt.

cond. $45,000, smi. an, Bkr. 663-83391 Hollywood SHIyd. Hills 4563 REALTORS HO.1-8333 ENGLISH.

Breathless view mtscity 3 bd. or 2 bd. excellent guest Apt. Great Private Tree Shaded Patio HUGE LR 8, DINING 36,300 TOP OF THE KNOLLS HI wfrolc. 4 Ti ba.

Great Vu. Lo $50's. Call: 851-5512 OUTPOST ESTATES LUXURY Spanish Modern Hi cell. L.R. Huge dsn.

wet par. i pa. m-txnc SCENIC Home Mid-Hollv. Beaut. 8, different 3 br.z pa.

uwn. wants quick, sale. Priced low. r-or into. viewing 722-3582724-2241 Bkr.

WELL BUILT STUCCO MALL CORNER LOT. VICINITY MELR05CVAN bkr. 622UO HOME GUEST $53,500. Secluded Mod. rustic, huge 3 bd.

aen. Km. for pool! PREMIER HO.6-7676 VIEW Sophisticated 2 dine, wet par. rKfcu tu ocuw ww 783-4681 Bkr. 872-0955 ESTATE Sale Vu.

2 suites den, frplc. Seller will carry Mrs. Wisten, Castagna 466-6311 ASSUME LOAN WLO PAYMENTS 2 5, Den, d'n. Pktst. rms sv.suu BOB CRANE ASSOC.

I4-3JII ENGLISH 3 den, nu kit. guest hse. wtrpi. compi privacy sw.uuu. Ted H.

Smith Son 874-1810 WRITE YOUR OWN ROMANCE Story-book cottage In Bchwd. $36,500 CASTAGNA REALTY 466-6311 6042 AND 6047 BARTON Two 3 bd. homes. F.P. $25,000 ea.

Joe George 666-5161 Doud Co. 3 frolc. patio, view, ducted AC, nu vis.soo. si-44it HILLSIDE hlde-awav with prof, dark room. Xlnt.

trms. Bkr. VIEW 4 bd mds. 3 bas. fam.

rm Wba. den $64,500 Bkr UL.6-6666 $41,750. Fireplace, patio, quiet pres-tloe view area. Bkr. HO.9-3171 TOP OF THE WORLD 2 den re-" treat $4,500 O'Kourxe lr.b-bbbb S39.S00.

Bchwd. Hills 2 br. 4- Quest qtrs. lo an. pmt.

vu. Bkr. ho.v-8343 HLYWD. Knolls. Lg.

vu Contemp. 3 Laurel Canyon 4567 3 bd.l 3fo baTPafk like. $79,500. Mann. 654-UU66 West Hollywood 4571 COZY 2 conv.

din. cov- eren natio. ownr. sj.ou. Mrs.

hODe man. 653-3022 or 273-1000 HONEYMOON SPFCIAL $37,000 2 new. kit FP. Immac CASTAGNA REALTY 278-5030 SPANISH 2 br. VA bas.

darkrm. Nr. SunsetDohenv. Rltr: 272-5030 WESTSIDL 4600 Sunset Strip 4602 PENTHOUSE Guest $54,900. One bd each wfrpic Huge decks.

Great City view! PREMIER H06-7676 AIR COND. FIXER CYN. VIEW 2 den, studio, guest, 33.500 CA5TAGNA REALTY. Z-5U30 RUSTIC 2 Bd. 2 Ba, beams, frpl wet bar, patio BOB CRANE ASSOC.

874-3311 COUNTY Fnollsh 2 4- pub stvle den $59,995. O'ROurke CRABB88 $400 adl. Bev. Hills. 2 bd.

Fnollsh cottage gsr. nse, Bkr. 656-2550 SOPHISTICATED 3 bd. whead-on vu. exr.

Langaon lo. ul.v-muu 2 STY. Medlt. Villa. 3 den, mds, $72,000.

aanaier. exr. 65236 Beverly Hills City 4606 CHARMING DELUX HOME Nu dec. 4 4 bit-ins, new cpt. thru out.

Pool. Own. 510 N. Crescent Dr. Bev.

Hills Flats Open hse. 1-5 dally. Make offer 2 2 sep billiard hi beamed cell, brck frpic. in llv. rm dn'g.

area, balcony, blt-ln. kltch, washerdryer. B.H.P.O. $55,000. Bkr.

278-1305, NEW! NEW! NEWI 516 N. Maple BRICK LULONIAL 00. md'S. OPEN Only Brand New Home for Sale on the Flat! Z5-B636, eve.23-530 608 N. REXFORD DRIVE 2 story, 4 4 bas.

Wet bar. Pool large garden. $185,000. Call for apot. 9-1.

Owner, 274-1496 628 N. ALTA. Stunning 4 giant tarn, rm sauna, root. By Appt. Be Gottlieb1 PRINDLE CO.

553-3335; NEW-Trad. Arch. 3-5 bdrms. 1-2 Story. $89,950 to $136,950.

Open daily. 271-5621 2880 Benedict Canvon, B.H. TROUSDALE ESTATES New Deluxe 3 bdrm. 8 mds. $239,000 but will take less.

Owner-bldr. GR.2-9511 eves GR.4-0455 JOHN Woolf Regency, regal town house dlbe. mstr. suite, wmarbie, ba. gst.

suite 8. mds. Bkr. 273-31131 $95,000, 3 3 fam. rm.

AC, wet bar, remodeled like new. owner. 933-9431 wkdvs. 156 N. Hamel Own 1 to 2:30.

1 sty. span. 4 so. Near school, on royalty. $69,500.

Bkr. CR.5-55411 2 STY. Span. 4 md den fam. rm.

pooi. over i ac. very impressive prop. $350,000. Bkr.

CR.5-5541 1 Stv. Qulney Jones. 2 Md. Pool. Maomr, view, u'tra lpi.


own outstanding home, 3 Bdrm. 3 Ba. Will listen to otter. 274-0761 STEINKAMP 986-2646 tbOO Blk. N.

of Sunset. Authentic Spa nish, 3 ma's. pool. tene Prlndle, PRINDLE CO. 553-3335 FRENCH Regency with aalltrla.

pa. mas. Bkr. ioww 900 61.K. Nrmilertst Rd home, pom.

Bkr. z3-uro fR6uhALi "i bdr7famllv" homo. vu. pool. Large lot.

BKr. z-iw 3UALITY ColonlaTnr. Bel Air C.C. Rm. for Pool.

Bkr. CR.3-3005 NEW offer AttrKCtlve 1-sty. Soan. 3 bdr, 2 ba. $62,500.

BKr. zj-uou N. CRESCENT Dr. New XI 3 bd. mrf i(V fam.

rm. Rkr. 271-8101 PMr.l.KH 3 bdrrri. $75,000. Low "down.

Prlnc. bkr. CR.6-3313 ianice PI. Adl. Trousdale tuner 1 ty.

3 conv. pen. Bxr. M-jMj DISTINCTIVE PROPERTIES Gordon Mueller. Rltr.

CR.8-0777 RUSTIC Bd, Den 2 frpl $69,500 BILL VINCENT ft Assoc. 271-4332; ,1 VoTlvj'tSTtflh. rri, CaiPafO wkdys. a52-2i Beverly Hills Adjacent 4607 nv OwNFR Sale or Lse. Duplex single 1 Pr.

ea, never exneciea to sen. Tne nest was instaiieo. uiv. 1 Income. Great 2 fam.

Vi blk. to Bev. Hills S. of Sunset. CR.I-9542 $53,000.

I CHlCTownhOuse 3 bd. POOL, ra-Ana CuAruihlnnl VKft CarrioH fir. wn.flOfl. Mow of'er. Bkr.

271-T' SPgCf ACTjlSR3-sly. SpanTTtJdsTa frpic. BKr. ik.sojuoi AIR-CONDi1iOMFDtianrh 1 2 ba tarn. rm.


The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)


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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.