@bobdole88302 месяца назад +12
Well, the sex and gender barrier DOES exist in certain companies and in parts of academia. I remember a former Professor of mine, who was number two in his department, bragging about how he wanted to increase gender diversity in his team, but wasn't legally allowed to only open the position for women, so he had to invite men as well, which turned out to be 95% of the applicants, just to send them home after 3-5 minutes of interviews and he then hired the first female applicant that walked through the door. I didn't stay in Academia, but all the people I know that did, more or less tell me the same story: unless the department is predominantly run by women, you won't be hired based on your skill, but your sex and even if your field of research is predominantly female, you're still at a massive disadvantage. A friend of mine almost got expelled by his Universities equal opportunities officer because he didn't wan't to get robbed. Almost 80% of students at his University were women at the time, and you'd assume since men are a minority there, the equal opportunities officer would at least be somewhat motivated to aknowledge the needs of the few men there, but no dice XD His department was at a small satelite campus that was almost 2h away from the actual university, in a small town with one trainstation and basically no public transport worth mentioning. So students that came by train had to walk to University, and the fastest route was through a somewhat desolate park. During the time there was a series of robberies in that park so the equal opportunities officer offered all female students that didnt feel safe to walk the park to use a taxi and hand in the bill to be reimbursed. Guess what happened when my MALE friend, who, for some reason, didn't want to get robbed either, handed in a few receipts XD The equal opportunities officer told him to eff off and that he was apropriating, he told her, that her behaviour is extremy toxic and sexist and that he had the same right not to be the victim of crime than a female student. She did not like that one bit so she escalated the thing up the ladder, and basically he was told to revoke his application for reimbursement AND apologize to the EOO. I don't feel like we are heading in a good direction. Inverting injustice maybe "feels" just, but it isn't, it's just the next step in an endless spiral of misery and violence. I feel like many Western societies came pretty far and intorduced a lot of important and meaningful changes, but now we're reverting back to a state a healthy society should not be in.
@georgelionon9050Месяц назад
I just dont get the bro-whining about this, since when has been a black woman been the winning combination, why women complained for decades about the "glass ceiling"? now people come up with all kind of special one of kind stories, maybe some of them even true, but still the vast minority, that may be the other way around, like complaining the society is out to get them..
@bobdole8830Месяц назад +1
@@georgelionon9050 Kindergarten logic. There can be more than one problems at any given time and your attitude is exactly the mindset that formed the new apartheid.
@georgelionon9050Месяц назад
@@bobdole8830 Come on, you felt the need to post this on the topic of Scott Adams who made this ridiculous claims he didnt get promoted because he was not black, and now come with me with "kindergarten logic"; when I point out this "we are the new vicitims" trend here is laughable, albeit as I said, a few of the stories might even be true.. get some bigger picture perspective and dont resort to name calling please.
@bobdole8830Месяц назад
@@georgelionon9050 you extrapolated a lot from nothing, with all the wrong conclusions
@georgelionon9050Месяц назад
@@bobdole8830 So then enlighten me, since you keep claiming I'm at fault here I need to be pushy instead of letting it slide, how did you mean in regards how to video, and what bigger picture are you painting? If its not a bro-whiny story as the with men is now supposed to be the real victim here and now facing imaginary glass ceilings?