The 10 best Minecraft 1.20 Bedrock seeds for the Cherry Blossom biome (2024)

Minecraft has many serene and magnificent biomes, but the cherry grove biome tops all of them. Unlike other trees, the cherry tree has pink leaves with a particle effect. The floor in this biome is covered with lime green grass and dainty little pink petals scattered throughout. When all this is combined, the cherry grove biome seems like heaven on Earth. The cherry grove biome tends to generate at higher altitudes, making it a great place to mine for iron, coal, and emeralds.

Seeds are codes that bring about the world generation in Minecraft. The game recently introduced seed parity between the Java and Bedrock editions. Although the terrain generation remains the same, the structure generation may vary.

Here, we will list the 10 best cherry grove biome Minecraft seeds for Bedrock edition.

Note: The list present in the article reflects the views of the writer.

The 10 best cherry grove biome seeds for Minecraft 1.20 Bedrock edition

1) Heart-shaped cherry grove biome with village

heart-shaped cherry grove biome symbolic of its scenic aura (Image via Mojang)

Seed: 5480987504042101543

You spawn near a mountaintop surrounded by cherry trees. The cherry trees are distributed around the snow-peaked range and are focused in the crater made by the mountains.

When seen from a height, the shape of this biome appears as a heart. To top it, you can also find a village and a ruined nether portal generating on the slope of the mountain. When mining near this area, you will also come across massive cave openings. These caves also house the Deep Dark biome.

  • Village: X: 186, Y: 163, Z: 234
  • Ruined Portal: X: 304, Y: 103, Z: 390
  • Cave opening: X: 178, Y: 90, Z: 307

2) Endless cherry biome

An endless stretch of cherry wood (Image via Mojang)

Seed: -3248040441770110058

Upon entering this Minecraft world, you spawn surrounded by cherry trees. The cherry grove biome spans extensively across the area. A few blocks away from spawn, you will also come across a lake surrounded by these magnificent trees with a small island in the center.

The area is also filled with caves, where you can mine and get loaded with resources. You can cut down as many trees as you wish and not run out of cherry trees.

  • Lake: X: 7, Y: 92, Z: 171
  • Dripstone Cave: X: 19, Y: 66, Z: 348
  • Cave opening: X: -45, Y: 117, Z: -204

3) Lakeside cherry grove

A beautiful lake in the middle flanked by cherry trees (Image via Mojang)

Seed: -7546871041441139804

Like the previous seed, this seed again spawns you in the middle of a cherry biome. The cherry biome seems to encircle a beautiful lake you can convert into your base. You can also stumble upon a village not too far from spawn.

In addition to the cherry trees, you can find a pillager outpost and huge cave openings leading to deep dark.

  • Spawn: X: 47, Y: 103, Z: -12
  • Lake: X: 0, Y: 104 Z: -16
  • Outpost: X: 269, Y: 116, Z: 73
  • Cave opening: X: 220, Y: 113, Z: 44
  • Deep Dark Cave: X: 94, Y: -42, Z: 79

4) Infinity cherry grove

The infinity-shaped biome (Image via Mojang)

Seed: 6803527224970488847

This seed offers a unique massive cherry grove generation taking the shape of infinity. However, to witness this splendor, you must travel around 1000 blocks. That said, the journey, although long, will be worth it.

You will also find a village generating nearby, and if you mine around this area, you will stumble over a mineshaft.

  • Village: X: 845, Y: 63, Z: 331
  • Mineshaft: X: 804, Y: -24, Z: 776

5) Deep Valley Cherry Grove

Combining the many elements of the Minecraft world into one place (Image via Mojang)

Seed: 4669574483087448116

By traveling to coordinates 352 111 -20, you will come across an amazing village generation. This Minecraft village is located in a valley surrounded by cherry trees.

This area has many large caves filled with iron, gold, redstone, and other resources. Additionally, you can find a mineshaft and an underground ruined portal in these caves.

  • Mineshaft: X: 272, Y: -14, Z: 228
  • Underground Ruined Portal: X: 204, Y: -37, Z:110

6) Two villages surrounded by cherry biome

The fish-shaped Minecraft biome with the two conjoined villages at its heart (Image via Mojang)n

Seed: 9064150133272194

This seed spawns you in a cherry grove. On traveling just a few blocks, you will stumble upon a breathtaking view of two villages next to each other on a lake, surrounded by cherry trees. You can make a base in this picture-esque valley.

The lake in the center is extremely deep and can go down to Y level -54 in some regions. Beyond this grove, you will find another plain village across a river.

  • Two joined villages: X: -4, Y: 66, Z: 65
  • Village 3: X: -482, Y: 86, Z: -130

7) Cherry biome with mountain view

The amalgamation of the mesmerizing scenery and the secrets that it hides (Image via Mojang)

Seed: 21588

While you don’t spawn in a cherry biome, it is right in front of your eyes as soon as you enter this world. This seed is a great cherry seed consisting of various types of structures that generate near spawn.

You can find two villages spawning near the cherry biome. Furthermore, you can find a skeleton spawner, a mineshaft, and an ancient city generating underground.

  • Village 1: X: -347, Y: 116, Z: 159
  • Village 2: X: 190, Y: 106, Z: 123
  • Skeleton spawner: X: 225, Y: 41, Z: 41
  • Mineshaft: X: 214, Y: 33, Z: 54
  • Ancient city: X: 205, Y: -10, Z: 35

8) All in one

Friendly village, cherry wood, and hostile mobs in one biome in Minecraft (Image via Mojang)

Seed: 91276453817984294

This rare Mimecraft seed spawns you in a cherry grove biome with a village and an outpost next to each other. This village is also home to two blacksmiths who have diamonds and iron armor in their chests.

You can also find a ruined portal and woodland mansion near spawn. This one-of-a-kind seed is a perfect place for you to start your Minecraft journey.

  • Ruined Portal: X: 168, Y: 83, Z: 250
  • Woodland Mansion: X: 330, Y: 71, Z: 383

9) Numerous villages along the cherry grove biome

Cherry biome spread out far and wide (Image via Mojang)

Seed: -282973073983003909

This Minecraft seed has a collection of many cherry grove biomes combining and forming one massive pink patch. On the outskirts of the cherry biome, you can find up to four villages, two ruined portals, and a stronghold hidden beneath.

The loot within these structures should be enough to beat Minecraft. This place is great for collecting cherry wood or building a camp.

  • Ruined Portal 1: X: 93, Y: 63, Z: 114
  • Village 1: X: 90, Y: 62, Z: 137
  • Village 2: X: -425, Y: 64, Z: -448
  • Village 3: X: -456, Y: 115, Z: -815
  • Village 4: X:- 494, Y: 83, Z: 594
  • Stronghold: X: -445, Y: -35, Z: 641
  • Ruined Portal 2: X: -528, Y: 92, Z: -926

10) Flower forest cherry biome

Flower forest amidst the pink trees (Image via Mojang)

Seed: -7813434458153754155

This Minecraft seed spawns you in a flower forest biome facing the cherry groves. This tranquil area is great to build a base on. Not far from spawn, you will find a village that has a blacksmith residing in it.

An outpost and ruined portal are also situated close to the village. The caves are filled with amazing resources, and you can discover a zombie spawner within them.

  • Village: X: 306, Y: 93, Z: 146
  • Outpost: X: 340 ,Y: 96, Z: 365
  • Ruined portal 1: X: 43, Y: 64, Z: 344
  • Ruined portal 2: X: -260, Y: 68, Z: 240
  • Zombie dungeon: X: 10, Y: -13, Z: 66

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The 10 best Minecraft 1.20 Bedrock seeds for the Cherry Blossom biome (2024)


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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.