There are an incredible amount of servers available to Minecraft players. These can include several different game modes like Prison, Pixelmon, Bedwars, Survival, and Factions.
Every server offers something that users may not be able to get in others, whether that's quality, attention, game modes, or something else.
Servers are also often used regionally. Different servers are made for and in specific locations to better fit those gamers. There may be cultural aspects that might be present in certain servers, while others are pretty universal.
For example, Asian players might look for servers based in Asia, which is discussed below.
Best Asian servers for Minecraft right now
Note: The servers are not necessarily exclusive to Asia but are intended for Asia, according to
5) PikaRay
PikaRay is, according to the above site, India's first Pixelmon server. There are obviously several other game modes available, but Pixelmon is one of the most popular servers out there.
The ability to play Pokemon in this game's setting is something many players want, so this is a great server.
4) FallenSkyMC Network
FallenSkyMC is one of the few servers that can house both Bedrock and Java Edition users. Many servers are designated for one or the other, but not this one.
It has a very active support team that tries to listen to feedback and improve the server. It currently has the following modes:
- Survival
- Skyblock
- Bedwars
- Factions
- Bridging Practice
- Duels
- Whitelisted SMP
- Odyssey (Coming Soon)
3) BlitzKraft
Some servers are themed a certain way, which is true of BlitzKraft. It is a World War 2-themed server, so fans of that period of history will find themselves right at home here.
There are several different ways to play, 43 guns, four melee weapons, and five explosives. There are also movable vehicles:
- Cars
- Tanks
- Ships
- Planes
- Submarines
2) Null Network- Custom Survival- Cracked
As the name suggests, this server is very customized. They focus on bringing a unique experience to the Survival mode, which they succeed at.
There are custom mobs for players to fight and side quests to complete. They have several unique weapons that can only be found here, including:
- Katanas
- Greatswords
- Quarterstaffs
- Daggers
- Magical Instruments (Flute, Guitar, Harp, Bell)
1) RulerCraft
This is by far one of the most unique servers in Asia. It has several intriguing features for users to join and try out. It also has full-scale earth, towny modes, economy, and more.
They also have a karma feature, where good deeds will reward gamers, and bad ones will be met with consequences.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the views of the author.
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